Neglected cat freed after having two pounds of matted fur removed

We often think of cats as being able to look after themselves. Most cats spend hours outside alone all day and return home only to eat and clean themselves, making them pretty low maintenance.

But some cats have the type of fur that requires grooming and if you don’t stay on top of it, it can get out of control.

In the case of the cat Hidey, her owner was unable to care for her properly and she went without proper grooming for years.

When animal rescuers finally got hold of her, she had so many ;dreadlocks’, she looked like an octopus.After the cat’s owner, who suffers from Alzheimer’s, was taken to a nursing home, they spotted Hidey and called Animal Rescue League Shelter and Wildlife Center, in Pittsburgh.

Animal experts thought that Hidey had probably been neglected for up to two years. Some of the ‘dreadlocks’ were 6 to 8 inches long.






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