This Guy Found A Secret Door In His New Apartment. What He Found Is Hauntingly Awesome

I mean, I can’t tell you how many times I imagined myself in a fantasy world while walking through the woods close by my home, or I pretended to have found a magical door, hidden from others, and could make up where it led.The transition to adulthood tends to rob us of the more fantastical elements of our wandering consciousness, but that’s not to say exciting, curious things aren’t waiting to be found in the world around us.

Just ask the man who bought a new place in the UK 11 years ago, only to find a hidden trapdoor in the floor that led to a room he hadn’t even known about…I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say that the prospect of finding a hidden door or space in a property we’ve just purchased is rather intriguing.

Sadly, more often than not, we get what we’ve paid for, and there are little, if any surprises to be had come moving day.






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