After over 11+ years of practice, fungal toenails have been the most common diagnosis in my practice and I’m sure I speak for 99% of the podiatry world. However, just because you have discolored, thick, ugly, “fungal-looking”, toenails, doesn’t mean you have fungus in your toenails. Remember the funny commercial for Lamsil with the crazy looking Digger animal? That was the beginning of the treatment trends for fungus in the world of podiatry. Of course there were Sporanox and Gris-Peg, but these were oral medications just like Lamisil that were harsh on the liver and could only be used for skin conditions and not for treatment of toenails. I still routinely use Gris-Peg for oral treatment for SKIN fungus that is very severe, but it is used for only 2-4 weeks, not 3 months like Lamisil is used.
Please remember, that no, I mean NO, one topical medication works 100%. If someone told you that, they are LYING to you. Noticed on all the link that I provide that not one topical medication that treats or cures ugly toenails, will advertise that they cure or remove fungal toenails. The say words like decrease, normalize, reduce, soften, restore, etc. Also know that NO studies or trials have been officially done to show complete resolve of the fungal infection in the toenail.
Also note that all topical medications, in order for them to work effectively, you MUST file down the nail at least once a week and use the medication for at least six months. There three categories of topical medications that can treat or cure ugly toenails:
OTC (over-the-counter)
Physician only OTC
Prescription only
These categories can be sub-categorized by medications that treat fungus and medications that treat thick, discolored and dysthrophic nails. These are 2 completely different problems and are treated with completely different medications.
OTC (over-the-counter) Topical medications:
These medications are only for non-fungal nails and nails that are thick, discolored or dystrophic (softens nail only):
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