Remove Scratches From Glasses And Sunglasses

A mere casual gesture, such as relegating them randomly into your purse or allowing them a carefree perch on your car’s dashboard, can swiftly metamorphose into an evil act that mars the impeccable allure of your beloved eyewear – be it the cherished pair of glasses or those opulent designer shades.

Prepare to embark on a journey through a collection of self-reliant methodologies, each possessing the potential to defeat the scourge of scratches from your valued glass and sunglasses.

A preliminary trial run on a set of spare lenses is not just recommended but essential. In this exploration, shun with determination any temptation to resort to abrasive solutions or fabric, both of which pose a potential threat to the integrity of your precious lenses.

Method 1: The Enigmatic Elixir of Toothpaste

Engage in a tactile ballet as you devote approximately ten seconds to delicately massaging a small dollop of toothpaste onto the lens’s surface. Employ the tender touch of a cotton or wool towel to enact this ritual, tracing gentle circular motions akin to a soothing caress.






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